Recently the owner of The Kingstone Company, Russ, had the opportunity to share his time with the home school kids of the community. He was asked to give an instructional speech on the design process to help the kids with their holiday gingerbread houses.
Click Here to read the newspaper article in the local paper.

Career day at Delta High School!
When the school counselor Lindsay Pinkelmen called to asked me to give a presentation at career day I said "Definitely!". I don't get enough chances to share with kids about what I do for a living.
Delta High School holds a career day every school year. This day is set aside for students to peruse a variety of different professions as the get ready to venture into the workforce. This year there were presenters from Siemens, representatives from the health professions, Michelle from Interior Graphics was there from the graphic design field , The Chocolate Gypsys for the Hospitaliy field and the architectural field.
As you may have guessed the Architecture field was all me. I presented a 45 min look into a day in the life of an Architectural Designer. Surprisingly there was quite a large interest in what I do...The candy I was throwing out for raised hands did hurt either...Some of the most asked questions were "Do you have your dream house designed?"- "I bet its awesome! can we see it?" - I bet you make a lot of money"...quite the imaginations.
We met in the computer lab and I gave them a hands on experience with a virtual walk thru I recently created for a residential client. "Wow cool! this must have taken you forever" -"This is just like minecraft" I had to google that later ...Anyway I think I came away learning more than the kids did. The biggest thing I learned was teenagers are eerily similar in habits as when I was one myself. I had a total of 6 groups throughout the day and all were a lot of fun. I hope I get the opportunity again next year.
Click Here for a brief...too brief synopsis of the day.